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Visit us

Sunday services:

Where do we meet?

We meet in a building the looks like a house. It's called a Gemeindehaus (Community Hall) and is owned by a local consortium of State Churches. We rent this building for a couple of hours every Sunday morning.

How are we dressed?

Our dress is casual although occasionally some folks prefer to dress a little more formally. However you decide to dress, you are welcome.

Can anyone attend?

Yes, our services are open to anyone who would like to attend. While we have languages represented from around the world, our common language is English.

What language is the service held in?

The service is preformed entirely in English.

Why is there an English language church in a German town?

While there are several great German churches in Potsdam, there was a need for an English language church for the many international students and professionals that make Potsdam their permanent or temporary home.

Are there activities for children?

Yes, we offer children's church for children 5 years old and up.

Is there childcare for younger children?

At this point, we do not have staffed childcare for younger children, but there is a quiet room available to take your children and still listen to the service.

What time does the service start?

The service starts at 10:30 with a time of fellowship and introductions.

What time does the service end?

The service ends by 12:15

What should I expect when I visit?

When you visit you can expect a warm welcome by our friendly congregation. Since we are very international in makeup, no one will feel out of place. We begin with a welcome, followed by a prayer. After that we sing a few songs and read some scripture out loud. Following that is a biblical sermon with an opportunity to ask questions afterwards. We usually conclude the service with another song and some prayer.


Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Str. 12 14480 Potsdam

See Map Below

Every Sunday Morning: 10:30-12:15


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